搭配辨析:more… than… 和 rather… than…

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搭配辨析:more… than… 和 rather… than…

#搭配辨析:more… than… 和 rather… than…| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



搭配辨析:more… than… 和 rather… than…

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一位网友想知道如何区分搭配 “more… than…” 和 “rather… than…” 之间的不同之处。这两个难度较高的语法结构在日常会话中很常见。虽然两者都包含单词 “than”,但它们的含义和用法完全不同。本期节目教你如何使用这两个搭配。


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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是佳莹。 

BethAnd I'm Beth. 


Question您好,我对于 “more… than…” 和 “rather… than…” 这两个搭配的翻译和强调的对象很是迷茫,看的参考书无法很好地解决,所以向您寻求帮助。

Jiaying谢谢这位网友发来的问题。注意:本期节目中要讲解的两个搭配并不是连在一起的 “more than” 以及 “rather than”,而是分开的两个搭配。每个搭配中,单词 “than” 的前后需要有不同的成分。但是为了方便大家的理解,我们将把这两个搭配分别读成 “more… than…” 和 “rather… than…”。

BethThese structures with 'than' are quite advanced and are common in spoken English. 

JiayingThat's right. 虽然 “more… than…” 和 “rather… than…” 都包含 “than”,但它们的用法不同。 

BethLet's look at 'more… than…'. This is a comparative and can be used to correct or add more information to what someone else has just said. 

Jiaying“More… than…” 的意思相当于 “与其说…,倒不如说…”,是一个比较级结构,可以用来纠正或补充说明他人说过的内容。“More… than…” 可以用于说明事实,强调另一个人对现实的陈述存在偏差。来听一段对话。 

ExampleA: Is it cold? 天冷吗?

B: No. It's more stormy than cold. 不冷。与其说冷,不如应该说在下暴风雨。 

Jiaying对话中的男士用搭配 “more stormy than cold(与其说冷,倒不如说有暴风雨)”。换句话说,这位男士认为对现在天气情况更准确的描述并不是气温的高低,而是 “stormy(有暴风雨的)”。 

BethYes, 'stormy' is more of a focus than the temperature, so the emphasis is on this adjective. Therefore, the speaker says the main weather description, 'stormy', before what it's being compared to, 'cold'. 

JiayingYes. 我们再来听一个使用了搭配 “more… than…” 的例句。 

ExampleLiu Jun, I know you said it's sugary, but it tastes more bitter than sweet.(刘俊,我知道你说这东西很甜,但与其说甜,它其实是苦。) 

Jiaying从这句话中可以看出,刘俊尝了某个食物之后说很甜,但说话人却用 “more bitter than sweet” 来表示他觉得 “与其说甜,其实是苦”。

BethYes, the speaker is describing food. They are contrasting what Liu Jun said, that it is sugary, with what they can taste now, which is bitterness. 

Jiaying是的。注意:在 “more… than…” 的结构中,“more” 的后面接 “事物的显著特征”,而 “than” 后面接的是 “与事实有偏差的描述”。 

BethWe can also use this structure to give our opinions, especially when we have a different opinion to someone else. 

Jiaying“More… than…” 还可以用来提出我们对某件事情或事物的个人观点,特别是当我们与他人的观点不同的时候。来听一段对话。 

ExampleA: I love this dress. It's so cute!我真的很喜欢这件连衣裙。它实在太可爱了。

B: Hmm, I'd say it's more elegant than cute.我觉得与其说这件连衣裙可爱,倒不如说它很优雅。 

BethHere, the woman thinks the dress is 'cute'. The man thinks a better description is 'elegant'. 

Jiaying对话中的男士用搭配 “more elegant than cute” 表达自己的观点与这位女士不同,这位男士认为描述这件连衣裙的形容词用 “elegant(优雅的)” 要比用 “cute(精致可爱的)” 更合适。 

BethNow, let's look at 'rather… than…'. This construction is used with pronouns and is part of a fixed phrase that doesn't have a subject, like 'rather you than me'. 

Jiaying是的。我们把 “rather… than…” 与人称代词搭配使用,表示说话人 “想让另一个人而不是自己做某件事情”。请听例句。 

ExampleI'd hate to work for that department. Rather him than me.(我可不想去那个部门工作。更适合他,不适合我。) 

BethThe speaker would not like to work for this department, and the speaker is expressing that they would not like to work where the man does. 

Jiaying说话人用 “rather him than me” 来表达自己不愿意去给那个部门工作,“还是他去吧,我可不去;他去总比我去好”。再来听一个例句。

ExampleSharing a flat with eight other people? Rather you than me!(和八个人同住一个公寓?还是你来吧,我就算了!) 

BethAgain, the opinion of the speaker is that they would not like to share a flat with eight others. 

Jiaying说话人用搭配 “rather you than me” 来表示 “(自己)不想与八人同住一个公寓”,所以 “还是你来吧,我就算了”。 

BethOK, Jiaying. Let's summarise. 

Jiaying好的,归纳一下:搭配 “more… than…” 的意思是 “与其说…,倒不如说…”,用来表达他人的陈述与事实有偏差,或两人的观点之间是有差别的;搭配 “rather… than…” 的意思是 “他做总比我做好”,表达说话人不想做一件另一个人可能要做的事情。 

BethRemember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博向我们提问。我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。Bye, everyone. 








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